Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Quotes

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Quotes with Page Numbers. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the first novel in a series of seven by British author J. K. Rowling. This debut novel was published in 1997 as Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in the United Kingdom. Written for the middle-grade reader, the Harry Potter series has become a worldwide phenomenon, with more than 500 million books printed in over 75 languages. 

The fantasy novel is set in the 1990s in Great Britain as a third-person omniscient narrator guides the reader into the magical wizarding world. The novel contains friendship, bravery, good vs. evil, and family themes. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was made into a film of the same name and is the third best-selling novel of all time.

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Quotes

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Quotes

  • “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
  • “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
  • “To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
  • “The truth." Dumbledore sighed. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.”
  • “You haven't got a letter on yours," George observed. "I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid-we know we're called Gred and Forge.”
  • “Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.”
  • “One can never have enough socks," said Dumbledore. "Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn't get a single pair. People will insist on giving me books.”
  • “There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.”
  • “Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!”
  • “Ah, music," he said, wiping his eyes. "A magic beyond all we do here!”
  • “What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally the whole school knows.”
  • “I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed - or worse, expelled. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to bed.”
  • “There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.”
  • “As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.”
  • “Everybody finished the song at different times. At last, only the Weasley twins were left singing along to a very slow funeral march.”
  • “I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper on death.”

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Quotes With Page Numbers

"Nothing like this man had ever been seen in Privet Drive. He was tall, thin and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt. He was wearing long robes, a purple cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled, bucked boots. His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind half-mooned spectacles and his nose was very long and crooked, as though it had been broken at least twice. This man's name was Albert Dumbledore." Chapter 1, pg. 12.

"'A letter?' repeated Professor McGonagall faintly, sitting back down on the wall. 'Really, Dumbledore, you think you can explain all this in a letter? These people will never understand him! He'll be famous - a legend - I wouldn't be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter day in future - there will be books written about Harry - every child in our world will know his name!'" Chapter 1, pg. 15.

"Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry had always been small and skinny for his age. HE looked even smaller and skinner than he really was because all he had to wear were old clothes of Dudley's and Dudley was about four times bigger than he was. Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair and bright green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Sellotape because of all the times Dudley had punched him on the nose. The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead which was shaped like a bolt of lightning. Chapter 2, pg. 20.

"A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair." Chapter 4, pg. 39.

 "Harry wished he had about eight more eyes. He turned his head in every direction as they walked up the street, trying to look at everything at once: the shops, the things outside them, the people doing their shopping." Chapter 5, pg. 56.

"The narrow path had opened suddenly on to the edge of a great black lake. Perched atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was a vast castle with many turrets towers." Chapter 6, pg. 83.

 "They were looking straight into the eyes of a monstrous dog, a dog which filled the whole space between ceiling and floor. It had three heads. Three pairs of rolling, mad eyes; three noses, twitching and quivering in their direction; thee drooling mouths, saliva hanging in slippery ropes from yellowish fangs." Chapter 9, pg. 119.

"From being one of the most popular and admired people at the school, Harry was suddenly the most hated...Everywhere Harry went, people pointed and didn't trouble to lower their voices as they insulted him." Chapter 15, pg. 179.

"They seized a broomstick each and kicked off into the air, soaring into the midst of the cloud of keys. They grabbed and snatched but the bewitched keys darted and dived so quickly it was almost impossible to catch one." Chapter 16, pg. 203.

"'To one as young as you, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas and Perenelle, it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but a wonderful thing. As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things which are worst for them.'" Chapter 17, pg. 215.

"'Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leave its own mark. Not a scar, no visible sign...to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. It is in your very skin. Quirrell, full of hatred, greed and ambition, sharing his soul with Voldemort, could not touch you for this reason. It was agony to touch a person marked by something so good.'" Chapter 17, pg. 216.

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